Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Yom Berekha


Blessed are You, Yahweh our Elohim, King of the universe, who is the Living Elohim, who is alive! You are not a fable, a dream, or a vapor, but You are an El who is. You are not a god of stone, or a statue to worship, something that is dead and dormant. You are Yahweh, who is very much alive, who fills every part of the universe that You created, yet is still concerned about the sparrow that falls to the ground. You are the Elohim Chayim, the Living God, the Elohim who breathes life into me on a daily basis. I worship You, my King and Creator! Hallelu-YAH!


Mat 16:16; Rev 4:8; Ps 9:7; Lev 26:1; Luke 12:6-7; Deu 5:26; Gen 2:7

“Yom Berekha”, ©2018, p. 276

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